Dir. Stan Winston
Starring Lance Henriksen, Pumpkinhead, Dirt Bikes
False advertising. There is no pumpkin' squeezin' in this movie.
PUMPKINHEAD is one of those second-tier horror franchises which has probably survived as long as it has simply through sheer perseverance. Somewhere between CHILD’S PLAY, which started off with some modicrum of legitimacy, and, say, the LEPRECHAUNs. It was never considered a classic, or probably even a favorite, by any self-respecting horror junkie (the only demographic which would ever bother with it in the first place) but through a relentless march of deeply unnecessary sequels it managed to stay afloat long enough that people got used to it being around and developed a certain sentimental fondness for it, like Ron Paul. I’d been mildly interested in seeing the original but it had been irritatingly difficult to track down, and I had given up the effort until I saw that FROM A WHISPER TO A SCREAM director Jeff Burr helmed the second of the series. I liked that one, so I finally gave in to the dark side and made a legitimate legal purchase of the original even though I was pretty well convinced it would be softer than a Jack-O-Lantern on Thanksgiving, and not nearly as alcoholic.
I mean, it has some horror credentials. Stan Winston isn’t much known as a director, outside of this and the amazing-sounding Anthony Michael Hall project A GNOME NAMED GNORM*, but if you’ve clicked on a review of PUMPKINHEAD I’m sure I don’t have to tell you what he is known for. And of course, it has Lance Henriksen in it, who has been reliably awesome since at least the time of Charlemagne. But then again, fucking SASQUATCH MOUNTAIN has him too, and that’s a long way from being viewable by humans outside some kind of laboratory-assisted eye-bleeding endurance test. He’s always gonna be great, but I’m not suffering through 90 minutes of fully-clothed college kids stumbling over their lines in the woods for a five minute Henriksen cameo.
turns out I underestimated this one. Yes, there’s a lot of
fully-clothed college kids jabbering on, looking slightly guilty and not
meeting our eyes out of the shame of not being Lance Henriksen when all
we fucking want to see is Lance Henriksen or, that failing, some kind
of god damn pumpkin monster. But this is 1988, meaning it was actually
possible to get Henriksen himself for more than half a day of shooting.
He’s pretty much the main character here, and that goes a real long
fucking way.
premise is this: Henriksen is a single-father Hill-Person-American**
who runs a little country general store with his punishingly adorable
soon-to-be ex-son. Out of the big city come a bunch of obnoxious college
kids with dirt bikes, on their way to the proverbial Cabin in the
Woods. Can anyone think of a movie where this ever actually goes well
for someone? Why can’t they rent a cabin in the woods and have a night
of piercing personal introspection and richly complicated emotional
relationships, a la THE BIG CHILL? I’m starting to think the entire
horror genre is being secretly propped up by the Tijuana tourist board.
Anyway, they stop by Henriksen’s country store to ask for alcohol or
Xboxes or something. You know how those fucking college kids are.
you get your usual creepy-backwoods rednecks being vaguely hostile to
the generically pretty city kids, but the twist is that here you’re on
the rednecks’ side. Henrikson’s Ed Harley is a hard-working, dedicated
single father and doesn’t deserve to be condescended to by a bunch of
rich-kid jocks who figure they’re kings of the universe. They’re
unwelcome here because they have no respect for the fact that they’re
entering someone else’s home, that maybe the residents here would prefer
not to have a bunch of drunken yahoos zooming around their yards on
dirt bikes. A philosophy which gains some support after a the
particularly egregious asshole of the gang runs Harley’s son over, and
then flees the scene.
the college kids are divided over this incident; most want to stay or
help, a few just want to get back to their lives and to get away with
it. Some of them do try to help in the kind of pathetically non-helpful
way that people who are not used to actual problems usually try, but
when Harley comes back to find his boy dead and a couple college kids
standing around and looking sheepish, he wordlessly grabs the boy and
runs to find help. When one of the girls awkwardly asks, “is there
anything we can do?” he turns around and gives her this look:
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Clearly they shot her question and this reaction shot separately, since anyone caught directly in this gaze would be instantly and violently eradicated from existence |
And you know it’s on.
Harley remembers something from his own childhood: There’s a demon in
these mountains that you can call on to bring vengeance upon someone who
has wronged you... for a price. A demon that sleeps beneath a pumpkin
patch. A demon that looks kind of like if the xenomorph from ALIEN was
made out of prunes. A demon called... well, you get the idea. So
basically the rest of the film is Pumpkinhead knocking off college kids
one by one in mildly creative ways.
as both writer and director, did two things very right with this movie.
For one, he hired Henriksen for the role of Harley, who plays the part
with a furious intensity which drags the rest of the movie along behind
it. Henriksen --himself from a poor working-class background-- plays
Harley with great dignity and conviction as a genuinely good man who
cracks under unimaginable grief. He’s a completely believable,
well-rounded character and it makes both his wrong turn and his slow
horror at what he’s done all the more tragic and even moving. Combined
with an elegantly simple, appealingly folkloric premise (the other thing
Winston nails, especially in the effective portrayal of the old
Mountain Hag who Harley approaches for help), you’ve got something
pretty effective here.
other than those two things, everything else about the movie is pretty
frustratingly bad. Henriksen is so good that the predictable shitty
acting from the college kids really stands out and the whole enterprise
feels painfully lopsided. Even though Harley is kind of the villain,
you’re rooting for him out of simple charisma alone. But for some
poorly-thought-out reason, the script seems to want to make the college
kids somewhat sympathetic, and they’re such bland archetypes that you’re
never really going to root for them. It’s just going to be less
satisfying when they get killed. Basically the whole second half of the
film leaves Harley to watch the college kids get picked off, but then
fails to kill them in any memorable ways and fails to make watching them die at all satisfying. Even the awful
asshole who runs over Harley’s kid suddenly turns faux-sympathetic at
the end, where’s the damn fun in that? I’m still not going to like him,
why can’t you at least let me enjoy the spectacle of his death? They
might have been wiser to just make the whole lot uniformly abrasive,
unsympathetic monster fodder.
monster fodder they are, but unfortunately this monster isn’t really
one which you are that interested in seeing fed, either. On one hand,
it’s a fond reminder of happier times to see the beast portrayed by a
giant physical puppet instead of a bunch of nerdy pixels, and it gives
it a sense of physicality which makes it a bit more intimidating. On the
other hand, though, there’s no getting around the fact that it’s just
not a very interesting design for a monster. The special effects are
great, and Winston shows them off by giving you a pretty good look at
the monster for most of the latter half of the film. But there’s just
nothing very nightmarish or compelling about it. While Giger’s Alien
design was carefully constructed to draw upon people’s unconscious fears
and repulsions, this thing just looks like they just threw some claws
and teeth together, stretched it out, and called it a day. It just
doesn’t have enough personality to be disturbing, nor enough physical
prowess to seem especially dangerous. An actual pumpkin headed demon would have been better. Hell, the Old Hag who conjures the thing is way scarier.
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The guy on the left is way scarier when he's mad. |
Lance Henriksen: YES
Bland And/or Irritating White Kids: YES
Satisfying Kills: NO
Horror Icon You Wouldn’t Expect
Pumpkinhead Smacks People
With His Big Stupid Hands: YEP
Attempt at Appalachian Accents: SUCCESSFUL
At All Watchable: YES
*Yes, really.
**Confirming that the Hills do indeed have eyes, hence easily outpacing their nearest competition in the Mole people.